CORAM PUBLICO invites you to meet and communicate with a team of performers and temporary residents at various locations in public space in the center of Tallinn. Within an urban choreography, everyday patterns of action and interaction rituals are examined and various codes that regulate our everyday lives are illuminated. We want to fan out and look at aspects of consciously and unconsciously executed movements within social mechanisms together with you - in a very playful way.
Concept: Stephanie Felber in collaboration with Barbara Lehtna
In collaboration with: Outi Elena Valanto, Iiris Viirpalu, Karmen Ong, Barbara Lehtna
Supported by: Goethe-Institut Tallinn
Partner: TantsuRUUM, Eesti Tantsuagentuur koostöös Eesti Tantsukunsti ja Tantsuhariduse Liiduga
Workshop: TantsuRUUM, Eesti Tantsuagentuur koostöös Eesti Tantsukunsti ja Tantsuhariduse Liiduga
Performance interventions in public space, Tallinn Estonia, April 17-21, 2018