from web24784979 | Mar 26, 2022 | Mediation / Mediation
Dance and Film In this workshop, explore the intersection between dance and Video, regardless of a particular dance style. The workshop will begin with a warm-up of the body and lead into a lecture on the practical and artistic challenges of dance and...
from web24784979 | Mar 26, 2022 | Mediation / Mediation
Psychogeography an investigation into a walk In this workshop we will deal with the forms of walking. Applying the situationist "dérive" and the W.Benjamin "flaneur" to collect movement. The workshop will focus on certain aspects of walking...
from web24784979 | Mar 26, 2022 | Mediation / Mediation
Em/Power embodied bodies of togetherness In a laboratory-like workshop, Stephanie Felber and her team open up their artistic methods / approaches to the current production "vague de corps". Insights into the techniques of "performing scores" will be...
from web24784979 | Mar 25, 2022 | Multimedia Performances, Projects
APON PARON The theater is transformed into a waiting room in which the audience is invited to take a look at their own expectations. What is real? What is projection? In times of the omnipresent shift of the live event to the digital, the team...
from web24784979 | Mar 25, 2022 | Site-specific performances, projects
Carto-Choreo-Grapher As part of a choreographic laboratory, we explored two cities from the perspective of the moving body in public space. We exchanged ideas between different cultures and used the rivers "Emajõgi" and "Isar" as...